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Axel Gonzalez
Axel Gonzalez

[S3E8] Evil Plans !NEW!

In the middle of a routine shopping trip on Coruscant, C-3PO is abducted by the bounty hunter Cad Bane. Bane is looking for information about the Senate Building on behalf of Jabba the Hutt. Finding C-3PO devoid of useful information, Bane and his accomplices kidnap R2-D2 and extract the vital data, before memory wiping the droids of the incident, and letting them on their way. The floor-plans and security details of the Senate building are part of a plot engineered by the Hutt families to free their imprisoned brother, Ziro the Hutt, who holds potentially damaging information about Hutt activities.[1]

[S3E8] Evil Plans

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After Bane obtains the information he is looking for, he has the two droids mind-wiped of the kidnapping and dumped back where they were snatched. The two droids return with their purchase, none the wiser about what had befallen them, just in time for the cake to be finished and served to the delighted Aang. Meanwhile, Bane travels to Tatooine and delivers the plans to his employer, Jabba. Jabba, however, immediately offers Bane yet another assignment and contacts the Grand Hutt Council for a private conference. Bane's new mission is to free Ziro the Hutt from prison, as he possesses confidential information which might prove fatal to the Hutts should the Republic authorities get their hands on it; Bane readily accepts the job.

  • All There in the Manual: Since Todo 360 was destroyed in "Holocron Heist", and given the series' penchant for airing episodes in Anachronic Order, one would assume that this episode takes place before "Holocron Heist". However, the episode guide reveals that this episode takes place after the Holocron arc. Todo was rebuilt by Anakin in order to gain information on Bane, but the droid escaped and returned to his master.

  • Anachronic Order: This episode is set after the Holocron arc ("Holocron Heist", "Cargo of Doom", and "Children of the Force"; 2:01-03), the Boba Fett Trilogy ("Death Trap", "R2 Come Home", and "Lethal Trackdown"; 2:20-22), and "Assassin" (3:08), but takes place before "Hostage Crisis" (1:22) and "Hunt for Ziro" (3:09).

  • Black Comedy: C-3PO being tortured with electric shocks is interspersed with R2 getting pampered at the droid spa.

  • Breather Episode: This episode serves this role between the rather dark episodes "Assassin" and "Hunt for Ziro", although it still has some dark moments of its own.

  • Call-Back: This is the second time in the series that R2-D2's lack of memory wipes and vast stores of knowledge have made him important to the villains.

  • Canon Immigrant: Gorga Desilijic Aarrpo, one of the Hutt Council members, was first introduced in what is now Star Wars Legends.

  • Continuity Nod: The interrogator droid is the same type as the one seen in Jabba's palace in Return of the Jedi.

  • A Day in the Limelight: For C-3PO and R2-D2.

  • Do You Want to Haggle?: This episode reveals that C-3PO is terrible at haggling as the fruit vendor takes advantage of him, much to R2's disgust.

  • Dramatic Irony: When R2-D2 and C-3PO finally get back to Padmé's apartment, Anakin is rather annoyed with them for apparently wasting time getting the jogan fruit. None of them know about the bounty hunters.

  • Electric Torture: Subverted by being used on C-3PO and R2, who are droids. Also, the device appears to have some sort of scanning function, as it gives access to the information in the memories of the droids.

  • Fembot: The attendants of the Droid Spa.

  • Idiot Ball: R2-D2, who is so clever and heroic in the films and assigned by Anakin specifically to keep C-3PO out of trouble, is immediately suckered by Todo 360's sales pitch and pays no attention to Threepio's whereabouts until after his spa day is over.

  • Is The Answer To This Question "Yes"?:C-3PO: Excuse me, fine sir, but do you by any chance have jogan fruit? Vendor: Do I have jogan? Can a Jedi use the Force? C-3PO: I shall take that as a yes.

  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: Cad Bane has the droids' memories of the events erased so they can't tell anyone what happened. This, incidentally, is the only time in canon that R2 has had his memory wiped of anything.

  • Loose Lips: C-3PO, after Bane insults him by claiming that he's useless, reveals that plans and schematics were never part of his programming because it's always Artoo who handles that kind of information.

  • My God, What Have I Done?: C-3PO has this reaction right after his Loose Lips moment.

  • Not So Above It All: While R2 has many cute moments throughout Star Wars history, he's completely tempted and distracted in this episode (after Anakin explicitly told him not to get distracted from his assignment to buy some fruit for Padmé's cake) by a droid maintenance bar (filled with cute fembots, too!) and is obviously enjoying himself there. He also doesn't realize C-3PO isn't there with him until it's too late.

  • Shout-Out: Senator Aang.

In the middle of a routine shopping trip on Coruscant, C-3PO is abducted by the bounty hunter Cad Bane. Bane is looking for information about the Senate building on behalf of Jabba the Hutt. Finding C-3PO devoid of useful information, Bane and his accomplices kidnap R2-D2 and extract the vital data, before memory-wiping the droids of the incident, and letting them on their way. The floor-plans and security details of the Senate building are part of a plot engineered by the Hutt families to free their imprisoned brother, Ziro the Hutt, who holds potentially damaging information about Hutt activities.

If Kristen sees Lexis and the demon (doesn't he have a name like Chuck or something?) dancing at the end of her bed, it takes away from the potential reality of the situation she's facing. Even if she can talk herself into not believing evil exists and puts the blame solely on humans' hands, it could leave her at a disadvantage.

While R2-D2 enjoyed himself while at the Droid Spa, Bane worked hastily to extract the Senate Building plans from C-3PO's memory. Soon realizing that C-3PO does not hold the plans he has been looking for, Cad Bane sent out TODO-360 and HELIOS-3E to capture R2.

R2-D2 exited the Droid Spa, only to find that C-3PO was missing. After unsuccessfully asking locals for help, R2 was pursued by HELIOS-3E and Todo 360 and fleed into a dark alley to hide. 3E and TODO-360 follow R2, however they end up paralyzing the wrong astromech unit. R2, soon hearing the two droids conversing about C-3PO gives his hiding location away and is captured.The plans were soon extracted from R2-D2 and HELIOS-3E threw R2 and C-3PO back out onto the streets of Coruscant. Meanwhile, Bane flew to Tatooine to deliver the plans to his employer, Jabba the Hutt. Jabba laughed and Bane asked what was funny. TC-70 replied by saying that Jabba requested another job from Bane. Bane asked if there was more to this job, and Jabba said he had to get the approval of the Hutt Council. After telling everyone but Bane to leave the throne room, Jabba contacted the four Hutt families and asked about freeing

Evil plans! With the Jedi Council focused on the war effort, criminal minds are left unchecked to spread fear and corruption. Galactic gangster Jabba the Hutt, has sent bounty hunter Cad Bane on a nefarious mission, which shall strike at the heart of the Republic. Meanwhile, the unsuspecting citizens of Coruscant go about their daily lives....

Season four has some of the best episodes that involve Cad Bane, but unfortunately this episode simply does not give a lot of screen time to the bounty hunter, nor is what he does in the episode particularly flashy. What he lacks in displays of power though he makes up for with his ability to scheme up plans, as he is able to successfully cause a distraction to allow for an escape attempt for himself and two other prisoners. Much like "Holocron Heist" the focus in this episode is more on Cad Bane's wits than his fighting capabilities.

Continuing off from the events of "Deception," this episode shows Obi-Wan Kenobi (who is at this point undercover and was one of the prisoners Cad Bane helped to escape with him) struggling to get along with the bounty hunter. Cad Bane attempts to betray the undercover Jedi in an attempt to not split the deal that was struck with the third prisoner Moralo Eval (voiced by Stephen Stanton). Once he fails to shake off the extra baggage though he reluctantly accepts that Obi-Wan is a part of the team, even saving him when they are intercepted by Anakin and Ahsoka (who are unaware of Obi-Wan's plans). Those who watch this episode will understand that for Cad Bane, money really is the only thing he is concerned with. He is even willing to put his own grudges aside once a deal has been struck, whether he likes it or not.

Meanwhile in Deadlands Brandy, obviously confused of her state, sees more people stuck in Deadlands (many of them slain teens from the previous episode) like her, all fearfully running for their lives in every which way from something unknown. One of her schoolmate whose neck was snapped by Ruby (credited as Gown Girl), straggling around and voiced her confusion upon seeing Brandy, ends up attracting shadow evil inhabiting Deadlands and was consumed by the entity. Brandy was saved by Dalton who is also trapped in Deadlands. After confirming mutually of each other's respectable fates, Brandy meets Kelly shortly thereafter and realizes that someone else is occupying Kelly's body. Realizing they are not safe outside as sounds of more victims being snatched are heard, they make a dash towards and hide in Elk Grove cinema, where they discover they are relatively safe and evil shadows do not come around as much... Except that interior was not cinema but a bar. Brandy asks Kelly if she has any plan bring the three of them back to real world, but Kelly tells her that all they can do is nothing but 'duck and cover'. 041b061a72


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